Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Add some beauty to your kitchen

I see from traffic reports and a couple of comments that people are starting to find my musings, which is exciting. I hope to connect with folks around the world who resonate with the Restless Sybarite's mindset and lifestyle.

If you love nice things (and of course you do, or you wouldn't be here), my good friend Paul Anater has a great contest running on his blog this week. Paul is a designer and writes about a host of design topics at Kitchen and Residential Design. His mission is to provide useful information on various aspects of design that help people make better choices that reflect their sensibility when designing their living space. Knowledgable and highly opinionated, he's never one to shy away from any topic, and does not suffer fools, as several readers have discovered. I read his blog every day; for me it's like having a cup of coffee with him in the morning.

So Paul has partnered with Boston-based design firm All Modern to give away a gorgeous Alessi kettle. Behold:

Paul is obsessed with Alessi, as you'll see on his blog. Rather than rehash all of the particulars about the giveaway, head over to Kitchen and Residential Design and see for yourself. It's a super easy contest (just leave a comment), and a great way to get a lovely piece of luxury into your home.


  1. Hi Kevin -- welcome to the blogosphere!! I made my way here from Paul's blog. He's a great guy and has done a lot to help me out -- so when he said "Go check out Kevin's blog", I had to pop over here :-)

    Looking forward to reading about your quest for luxury and pleasure in your new city of New Orleans :-)

    A couple of blogs that have info about lots of stores and other things in New Orleans are Velvet & Linen (http://brookegiannetti.typepad.com/velvet_and_linen/new-orleans/) and Willow Decor (http://willowdecor.blogspot.com/search?q=new+orleans). I'm sure there are lots of others out there, but those two are good ones to start with :-)

    Have fun!!

    Kelly @ DesignTies

  2. Thanks for the warm welcome, Kelly! I'm always open to comments and suggestions as I learn about the wonderful world of blogging. I appreciate the New Orleans links!
