Friday, July 17, 2009

The pleasure of good coffee

Ah, Friday. I finally have a day off, and while I have quite a few things on my to-do list, I've been happy to greet the morning by enjoying a slice of delicious banana bread that Brandon made earlier in the week with one too many cups of tasty coffee.

While I do not consider myself a coffee snob, I do enjoy a good cup of joe. I find a tasty cup or two is the perfect way to ease into the day, clear the cobwebs out of my head and prepare myself for another fascinating day.

In the past I used to frequent Starbucks and indulged in buying their Kenyan AA beans to grind and enjoy at home. In leaner financial times I was forced to examine whether the $7-$8 price tag was worth the pleasure derived from the cup. Relegated to finding a less expensive brand, I stumbled upon Eight O'Clock coffee, and it's been a treasured find that I continue to enjoy.

Eight O'Clock coffee offers a well-roasted, fairly balanced flavor. I gravitate toward the French Roast, but have enjoyed their Columbian beans, as well as the Italian Dark Roast, which I've only seen at Rouse's in the Quarter. The coffees are reasonably priced, and I always anticipate a cup of joy while the grounds are marinating in the French press.

While some of my friends take their passion for coffee much more seriously than me (at one time Paul roasted his own beans), I'm all about the quick and easy solution for my morning fix. If you haven't tried an Eight O'Clock brand, you should invest a couple of bucks in a bag and take it for a test run. Remember, some of life's best pleasures do not command outrageous price tags.

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