Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Luxury of Good Friends

It's a sunny Saturday morning and I've been ruminating on topics to discuss while enjoying my coffee. Rather than indulge in discussions of must-have now items or lists of the "10 things you must buy in this economy" list that I saw on one of the web sites this morning, I've decided to talk about one of the biggest luxuries in my life: good friends.

Last night I had the pleasure of taking a very dear friend of mine out for a humble (and belated) birthday dinner. We chatted, laughed and carried on about people we know and things that have happened in the almost 10 years that we've known each other. When I got home I realized what a joy it is to revel in a good friend's company, and how nice it is to spend time with someone who appreciates you for who you are, and can deal with your achievements and shortcomings with equal aplomb.

I am about to start a new chapter in my life by relocating to New Orleans. Since leaving my mother's home in 1989, I've wandered through the country and lived in several very cool, very different locales: Boston, San Francisco, Gainesville (ok, that one's not so cool unless you're into the Gators), St. Petersburg. Each of these moves brought new people into my life, and while people come and go, there are several folks that have stuck with me and have become my "second family". I'm amazed and grateful to realize the number of people that still play a part in my life, even people I met 20 plus years ago. And talking to some of these people this week, I've received outstanding advice and support for my upcoming move.

I'm not one for grand pronouncements of sentimentality, and I doubt that most of these folks will ever read this, but my heartfelt love and gratitude goes out to all of the friends in my life that provide an endless warmth of pleasure and luxury. And especially for Gyps, Peaches, Lady, Daisy, Lynn, Cheeky Monkey, Wil and Veeta, your chats this week have been invaluable. I look foward to our continuing time together, providing friendship, love and support for each other as we continue on the journey.

Good friends are the ultimate luxury.

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