Friday, May 29, 2009

Crawling into the Lap of Luxury

Welcome to my World!

After months of reading tons of posts in the blogosphere I've decided that it's time for me to jump into the pool. It's taken quite a while for me to decide what to write about--all the experts advise that you write about what you know and what you like; for me this has been quite a task of introspection. After much list writing and navel gazing, my epiphany came over coffee this morning after seeing the word of the day on my homepage: sybarite.

Taken directly from my good friends at, here's the definition of sybarite:
sybarite \SIB-uh-ryt\, noun: A person devoted to luxury and pleasure.

That's me! I love luxury and I am perpetually in search of pleasure. As I pondered the possibilities of this blog, I realized that this is a perfect vehicle to offer insights, opinions and shameless plugs about things that I find luxurious and pleasurable. My goal is to engage folks around the world in sharing their ideas and insights into luxury--it's a basic human craving that means many different things to people. And I don't subscribe to the notion that luxury always has to command an enormous pricetag--sometimes the little luxuries of life make all the difference.

So that's the mission of this blog: to uncover the luxuries and pleasures (big and small) that Life has to offer. I welcome your comments, ideas, and suggestions.

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